
Honolulu Bitcoin

usaΒ  Honolulu, HI, USA

Honolulu Honolulu Bitcoin is a community for those interested in discussing current events and technical developments in the Bitcoin space. We meet at least once every month for our Bitcoin Developers (BitDevs) Socratic Seminar series, which is a format started by the New York BitDevs chapter and has since spread to many other cities around the US (and the rest of the world).

Beyond being a lucrative investment, Bitcoin is a savings technology at its core, and it’s a pivotal tool for empowering individuals to take back their financial freedom in the digital age. We dive deep into the concepts and building blocks that make that possible. Although the discussions tend to get technical in nature, anyone is welcome to join the conversation, regardless of technical expertise!

Note that this is a group for the exploration of Bitcoin specifically. We will not be discussing investing, “Blockchain” as a general purpose technology, or altcoins and ICOs. Bitcoin is the signal, and that’s what we intend to highlight.

Check out our website for event details, topic lists, and more information:

Join our Telegram group for real-time updates and ongoing Bitcoin discussion throughout the month.

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