
Bitcoin Meetups Europe

Explore key Bitcoin meetups and gatherings across Europe, where enthusiasts, developers, and investors come together to get orange-pilled.

Annecy Bitcoin Meetup
Annecy Bitcoin Meetup accueille toutes les personnes intéressées par le Bitcoin, la monnaie libre et sans censure, et les changements qu'elle peut apporter dans notre vie quotidienne ...
Arnhem Bitcoin City
Welcome to Arnhem Bitcoin City (Arnhem Bitcoinstad), a place where you can use bitcoins (also Lightning Network!) to pay for everyday expenses at a lot of places in the city centre of Arnhem. If you are interested in Bitcoin or disruptive technology in general, this group is for you ...
Belgian Bitcoin Embassy
De Belgian Bitcoin Embassy heeft als doel duidelijke info te delen over Bitcoin. Tijdens de BBE Bitcoin meetups komen we samen om dit in real life te bespreken: technologie, DIY, privacy, security, economie, etc komen allemaal aan bod ...
Bergen Bitcoin Meetup
Bergen Bitcoin Meetup er en møteplass for alle som er interessert i Bitcoin. Vi arrangerer møter med ujevne mellomrom, og legger vekt på å være inkluderende hva gjelder teknisk nivå, bakgrunn og oppfatninger ...
Bitcoin & Blockchain Tech Meetup Athens
Join Bitcoin & Blockchain Tech Meetup Athens! A volunteer community exploring Bitcoin and blockchain’s potential to transform society. Open to all enthusiasts! ...
Bitcoin Alps Meetup Group
Bitcoin Alps Meetup Group is a community for enthusiasts interested in Bitcoin and Austrian economics. Members can connect with like-minded individuals at monthly meetups held in Thun and Bern ...
Bitcoin Barcelona Meetup
Bitcoin Barcelona Meetup is a place to talk about Bitcoin, meet new enthusiasts, and discuss ventures! | Aquest és el lloc per parlar de bitcoin, conèixer nous bitcoiners i parlar sobre projectes | ¡Éste es el lugar para charlar sobre bitcoin, conocer nuevos bitcoiners y hablar sobre proyectos! ...
Bitcoin Berlin
Join Bitcoin Berlin for regular monthly meetups, dedicated entirely to Bitcoin. These gatherings provide a unique platform for thought leaders, builders, educators, and enthusiasts to connect, learn, and engage in meaningful discussions ...
Bitcoin Breda Meetup
Doe mee met Bitcoin Breda om te netwerken en kennis over Bitcoin uit te wisselen. Of je nu nieuw bent in de wereld van Bitcoin of al een ervaren Bitcoiner, iedereen is welkom om deel te nemen aan onze bijeenkomsten en discussies ...
Bitcoin Eindhoven Meetup
  Eindhoven, Netherlands Welcome to the Bitcoin Eindhoven Meetup, where Bitcoin enthusiasts gather to discuss, learn, and share their passion for Bitcoin. Held every first Friday of each quarter, this meetup offers a friendly and engaging environment for newcomers and seasoned Bitcoiners alike. Join us to exchange ideas, get answers to your questions, and enjoy insightful conversations about the world’s leading decentralized currency. Whether you’re here to learn or connect with like-minded individuals, the Bitcoin Eindhoven Meetup is the place to be! Find Hotels Bitcoin Eindhoven Meetup ...
Bitcoin Friesland
Welkom bij Bitcoin Friesland, dé plek waar Bitcoin liefhebbers uit Friesland samenkomen en de passie voor Bitcoin delen! ...
Bitcoin Lab Berlin
Welcome to the longest running Bitcoin meetup in the world. Have fun socializing and learning more about Bitcoin! ...
Bitcoin Lausanne Meetup
Bienvenue au Bitcoin Lausanne Meetup ! Réunissons-nous, tous les premiers mercredis du mois, pour discuter de l'actualité de Bitcoin de manière amicale et informelle ...
Bitcoin Lille Meetup
Bitcoin Lille est une association à but non lucratif (loi 1901) dédiée à la construction d’un réseau éducatif inclusif et décentralisé autour de Bitcoin dans la métropole lilloise ...
Bitcoin Ljubljana
Bitcoin Ljubljana connects people with interest in Bitcoin and Lightning Network through monthly meetups with short presentations and long discussions about all things Bitcoin ...
Mallorca Blockchain Days
Bitcoin Mallorca Meetup is every 3rd Wednesday of the month in Palma, Mallorca. Main language will be English, (Spanish and German is spoken as well) ...
Bitcoin Maribor Meetup
Bitcoin Maribor connects people with interest in Bitcoin and Lightning Network through monthly meetups with short presentations and long discussions about all things Bitcoin ...
Bitcoin Meetup Geneva
Organized under the Bitcoin Association Switzerland, the Bitcoin Meetup Geneva group brings together Bitcoin enthusiasts, entrepreneurs, developers, and students from the Geneva area ...
Bitcoin Meetup Leuven
Bitcoin Meetup Leuven is a group for anyone interested in bitcoin, crypto and blockchain technology. Everyone is welcome, from beginner to expert ...
Bitcoin Meetup Switzerland
Bitcoin Meetup Switzerland is a Zürich-based group of Bitcoin enthusiasts, entrepreneurs, developers and students who meet regularly to discuss the future of Bitcoin, crypto assets, the economy, banking and financial system and also the politics and regulation of them ...
Bitcoin Meetup Tenerife
Bitcoin Meetup Tenerife is a group of entrepreneurs, developers and enthusiasts interested to discuss the future of Bitcoin, crypto assets, the economy, banking and financial systems and also regulatory and politics of them ...
Bitcoin Munich
Bitcoin Munich is a loosely structured group of enthusiasts, developers, students, entrepreneurs, techies, hackers, activists, artists and other folks. We organize informal gatherings like the monthly Stammtisch, plus workshops, as well as events with talks, presentations, tech-demos, and moderated discussion rounds ...
Bitcoin Only Meetup Nederland
Bitcoin Only Meetup Nederland is de gezelligste, bazigste, stierigste Bitcoin only meetup van Nederland. Voor en door bitcoiners! ...
Bitcoin Only Toulouse
Bitcoin Only Toulouse est un événement 100% bitcoin qui réunit entrepreneurs, développeurs, investisseurs et bitcoiners pour développer Bitcoin à Toulouse et en France ...
Bitcoin Only Valencia
Welcome to Bitcoin Only Valencia, the premier meetup group dedicated to the exploration and understanding of Bitcoin in the heart of Valencia. Our community is a vibrant gathering of individuals keen on delving into the world of Bitcoin, seeking to uncover its intricacies, opportunities, and its potential as the future of money ...
Paris Bitcoin Meetup
Depuis 2013, Bitcoin Paris Meetup réunit entrepreneurs, développeurs, investisseurs et bitcoiners pour développer Bitcoin en France ...
Bitcoin Stockholm
Bitcoin Stockholm is a based meetup group for bitcoin maxis, plebs and newbies ...
Bitcoin Tuesday Madrid
Bitcoin Tuesday Madrid is a monthly in-person meetup dedicated to the Bitcoin Revolution, held on the second Tuesday of every month. We are exploring how Bitcoin works from an economic and technical perspective and how it increasingly shapes our world ...
Bitcoin Turnhout Meetup
Bitcoin Turnhout Meetup verwelkomen iedereen om vragen te stellen of info te delen over Bitcoin. Geen presentaties. Geen workshops. Gewoon 1 onderwerp: bitcoin ...
Bitcoin Twente
Wij zijn Bitcoin Twente. De plek waar Bitcoin liefhebbers uit Twente en omgeving samenkomen om hun passie voor Bitcoin te delen. Bij Bitcoin Twente is iedereen welkom, of je nu nieuw bent in de wereld van Bitcoin of een doorgewinterde Bitcoin Maximalist ...