


Bitcoin Ljubljana Meetup #38 – Feb’25


Vabljeni na 38. Bitcoin Ljubljana Meetup! 2025 je leto implementacije MiCE in Transfer of funds regulation (TRF), ki prinaša t.i. Travel rule tudi v kripto svet. Kaj to pomeni za uporabnike, kaj za projekte? V čem so po novem Evropejci omejeni in kaj so z novo regulacijo pridobili? Marina Markežič nam bo v ponedeljek 24.2.2024 ob […]

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Bitcoin Maribor Meetup #16 – Bitcoin Treasury Strategy


At the 16th Bitcoin Maribor Meetup, we will elaborate on the strategy of the company Strategy (ex. MicroStrategy). Klemen K. Verstovšek is a master’s student at the Faculty of Economics in Ljubljana, who is writing his master’s thesis on the topic of bitcoin treasuries, which first appeared in 2020, when the company Strategy announced the […]

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Bitcoin Ljubljana Meetup #37 – Jan’25


Vabljeni na 37. Bitcoin Ljubljana Meetup! Tokrat bomo na našem srečanju govorili o vseh dogodkih, ki so se zgodili v letu 2024, kaj vse smo obdelali in napovedali na preteklih meetupih in kaj od tega se je dejansko zgodilo. Pogovorili se bomo o novi MiCa regulaciji, kaj vse od nas zahteva “travel rule” in kaj […]

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Bitcoin Maribor Meetup #15 — Community Q&A


At the 15th Bitcoin Maribor Meetup, we will try something new. We will take questions from the participants of the meetup. For that we have set up a form, to take the questions. After the event, we will gather at a café where you can meet other members of the Slovenian Bitcoin community and try […]

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Bitcoin Ljubljana Meetup #36 – Gospodarsko razstavišče


Vabljeni na Bitcoin Ljubljana Meetup XXXVI! Tokrat za spremembo na knjižnem sejmu na Gospodarskem razstavišču! Bit’ ali ne Bitkojn? 🐎🪙 Klemen K. Verstovšek bo tokrat razkril svojo osebno pot, ki ga je pripeljala v svet Bitcoina. Zaupal nam bo, kako je kot mlad študent med proučevanjem ekonomije naletel na novo poslanstvo. Verjame, da svet bitcoina ne […]

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Bitcoin Maribor Meetup #14 – Simple Maps and Locations with Bitcoin Payments


At the 14th Bitcoin Maribor Meetup, we will look into Simple Maps and Locations with Bitcoin Payments. The first Slovenian Bitcoin conference is behind us. It got us a little hyped. The price also played its part. 😉 It became clear that it would be great for Bitcoin enthusiasts to know where in Maribor we […]

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Bitcoin Ljubljana Meetup #35 – Oct’24


The 35th edition of the Bitcoin Ljubljana Meetup will see the launch of the book Inventing Bitcoin, a new translation in the Bitcoin knjižnica collection. “When people first hear about Bitcoin, they form an opinion before they even try to understand it.” This is one of Yan Pritzker’s opening sentences in the book Inventing Bitcoin, […]

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Bitcoin Maribor Meetup #13 – Back to the Basics


At the 13th meetup of the Bitcoin Maribor group, we will go back to basics. Danijel from Nicehash will show us the innovation that happened in 2009. He will show us the technical functioning of the bitcoin blockchain. After the event, we will gather at a café where you can meet other members of the […]

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Bitcoin Meetups Europe

Explore key Bitcoin meetups and gatherings across Europe, where enthusiasts, developers, and investors come together to get orange-pilled.

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Bitcoin Maribor Meetup #12 – Financial Independence of the Pleb


At the 12th meetup of the Bitcoin Maribor Meetup, we will present the FIRE movement. FIRE stands for financial independence retirement early. After the event, we will gather at a café where you can meet other members of the Slovenian Bitcoin community and try out how Bitcoin payments work through the lightning network. ***** Wihhaaa. […]

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Bitcoin Ljubljana Meetup #34 – Sep’24


At the 34th edition of the Bitcoin Ljubljana Meetup, we will discuss the event “Blocksize War” – a major split within the Bitcoin community. In doing so, Klemen will draw an interesting parallel with another major divide in human civilization, which also sparks a lot of interest. In addition to the lecture, we will also […]

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Bitcoin Ljubljana Meetup #33 – Aug’24


At the 33rd meetup of the Bitcoin Ljubljana group, instead of a lecture, we will host a lively debate among members of the Bitcoin Society of Slovenia. The discussion will focus on the latest developments in the Bitcoin world, cryptocurrency, and global politics. Some hot topics that will be discussed: – Bitcoin and Elections – […]

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Bitcoin Maribor Meetup #11 – Community Q&A


At the 11th meetup of the Bitcoin Maribor group, we will try something new. We will take questions from the participants of the meetup. For that we have set up a form, to take the questions: After the event, we will gather at a café where you can meet other members of the Slovenian […]

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Bitcoin Maribor Meetup #10 – Blockchain Technology Overview


The 10th edition of the Bitcoin Maribor Meetup will focus on blockchain technology. Klemen will provide an overview of its origins and development over time and demonstrate how the meaning of this concept has been corrupted today. Since the inception of Bitcoin, blockchain technology has been embroiled in media frenzy and has turned into a buzzword […]

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Bitcoin Maribor Meetup – Bitcoin Lightning Wallet and XOXO


This edition of the Bitcoin Maribor Meetup will get you acquainted with a Bitcoin Lightning wallet. Matjaž will reveal to us how this wallet can become our digital identity and how it enables the exchange of value with micropayments directly between users. We will discover numerous advantages brought by the Lightning Network and learn how […]

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NiceHashX Bitcoin Conference 2024 10% Off


The NiceHashX Bitcoin Conference is organized by NiceHash, the world’s leading platform provider for buying and selling hashrate that celebrates its 10th anniversary this year. Scheduled for November 8th and 9th, 2024, in the vibrant city of Maribor, Slovenia, NiceHashX aims to stimulate insightful discussions, foster valuable business connections, and contribute to the broader acceptance […]

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Bitcoin Maribor

Bitcoin Maribor connects people with interest in Bitcoin and Lightning Network through monthly meetups with short presentations and long discussions about all things Bitcoin.

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Bitcoin Ljubljana

Bitcoin Ljubljana connects people with interest in Bitcoin and Lightning Network through monthly meetups with short presentations and long discussions about all things Bitcoin.

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