Join a hands-on Austin PlebLab Workshop on how to get Product-Market Fit with Ted Thayer.
Product-Market Fit is the core of any successful business venture. Yet, achieving this critical milestone is often left to intuition and chance. While entrepreneurs are striving to better serve customer needs, they often don’t define what a “need” even is, let alone other key terminology like “market”, “segment”, or “unmet need”. Without defined and controlled variables, innovation can’t be a science. This is the root cause of failure for most startups. The good news is it doesn’t have to be this way – a solution can be found in the forgotten Austrian Economics practice of Praxeology.
While in nearly every other domain, people acknowledge that being scientific yields higher success and predictability, today, innovation is largely treated as an artistic pursuit – driven by a flash of inspiration or pure luck.Ted is here to shatter that delusion and help your team successfully build products that people will love.
After founding two startups and several years consulting with companies big and small, Ted has learned a first-principles, Austrian-Economics based approach for determining and prioritizing customer needs. This process will provide you with a rigorous and accurate understanding of your customer’s needs and thus the knowledge of the optimal product and strategy that will result in Product-Market Fit for your startup.
For this workshop, come prepared to roll up your sleeves and develop or refine your startup’s value proposition, customer understanding, and backlog prioritization.
Ted will provide an overview of the approach and help you apply it immediately to solve your immediate startup problems. Whether you are trying to select which markets to target, discover what your customers want, or designing the features that people will pay for, this workshop will provide invaluable insight for your efforts.
For questions or more information before the event, reach out to Ted at or watch this introductory video here:
📅 Saturday, February 3, 2024
🕔 Time: 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM CST
📍 PlebLab
800 Brazos St suite 260 · Austin, TX
✨ Austin Bitcoin PlebLab is a group of misfit hackers who firmly believe that coming together to support developers is key for bitcoin to continue. Free and open-source development is critical to breakthroughs in bitcoin. The FOSS ethos is at the center of what we do here at Pleb Lab.