


Local time: Timezone: (UTC -07:00) MST (US & Canada)Date: Tue, Nov 5, 2024Time: 06:00 PM - 09:00 PM

Location: El Coronado, 7385 S. Houghton Rd. Ste. 127, Tucson, AZ


Bitcoin Tucson Social Meetup – Election Night

Bitcoin Tucson Social Meetup Election Night

Come join us at the Bitcoin Tucson Social Meetup. This is the lection night – Polls in AZ close at 7pm, so if you are running late, no worries! AZ likely will take a few days (again) to decide, as will a few other key states. Although our Social Meetups have no agenda, given the day it falls on we will likely be talking a lot about the election.

We will have quite a few different locations for the social meetups around town. This month, we are going to the SE side of town.

Great opportunity to meet other local Bitcoiners. The restaurant has really good food, and decent drinks (well known for their margaritas), and the music is pretty low for a Mexican restaurant.

📅 Tuesday, November 5, 2024
🕔 Time: 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM MST
📍 El Coronado
7385 S. Houghton Rd. Ste. 127 · Tucson, AZ


✨ Bitcoin Tucson invites everyone looking to learn what all the business in Bitcoins and Alternative Currencies is about. Meet like minded people and learn from each other.

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