


Local time: Timezone: (UTC +02:00) CEST (Amsterdam, Berlin, Madrid, Paris)Date: Thu, May 30, 2024Time: 07:00 PM - 09:00 PM

Location: Hotel Betnava, Ulica Eve Lovše 15, Maribor


Bitcoin Maribor Meetup – Bitcoin Lightning Wallet and XOXO

Bitcoin Maribor Meetup

This edition of the Bitcoin Maribor Meetup will get you acquainted with a Bitcoin Lightning wallet. Matjaž will reveal to us how this wallet can become our digital identity and how it enables the exchange of value with micropayments directly between users.

We will discover numerous advantages brought by the Lightning Network and learn how to start effectively using the Bitcoin Lightning wallet. We will discuss the concept of Web3 and how smart contracts and code determine the rules of monetary flow. We will explore technologies like WebBTC, WebLN, LNURL, and Nostr, and understand their utility in gaming and various modes of play.

With a practical example, we will experience wallet usage in the Lightning tic-tac-toe game, where winning earns us real bitcoin. For those who are just getting acquainted with the Bitcoin Lightning wallet, a few vouchers will be available to make your start even easier. Join us and expand your knowledge and experience in the world of advanced digital currency!


Na našem prihajajočem srečanju se bomo spoznali z Bitcoin Lightning denarnico.

Matjaž nam bo razkril, kako lahko ta denarnica postane naša digitalna identiteta in kako le-ta omogoča izmenjavo vrednosti z mikroplačili neposredno med uporabniki.

Odkrili bomo številne prednosti, ki jih prinaša Lightning omrežje, in se spoznali, kako začeti učinkovito uporabljati Bitcoin Lightning denarnico.

Razpravljali bomo o konceptu Web3, ter kako pametne pogodbe in programska koda določata pravila denarnega toka.

Pogledali si bomo tehnologije WebBTC, WebLN, LNURL in Nostr, ter spoznali njihovo uporabnost v igrah in različnih načinih igranja.

S praktičnim primerom bomo izkusili uporabo denarnice v igri Lightning tic-tac-toe, kjer bomo z zmago pridobili pravi bitcoin.

Za tiste, ki se šele spoznavate z Bitcoin Lightning denarnico, bo na voljo nekaj voucherjev, da bo vaš začetek še lažji.

Pridružite se nam in razširite svoje znanje ter izkušnje v svetu napredne digitalne valute!

📅 Thursday, May 30, 2024
🕔 Time: 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM CEST
📍 Hotel Betnava
Ulica Eve Lovše 15 · Maribor


Bitcoin Maribor connects people with interest in Bitcoin and Lightning Network through monthly meetups with short presentations and long discussions about all things Bitcoin.

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