


Local time: Timezone: (UTC +01:00) CET (Amsterdam, Berlin, Madrid, Paris)Date: Wed, Jan 15, 2025Time: 07:00 PM - 09:00 PM

Location: Hotel Betnava, Ulica Eve Lovše 15, Maribor


Bitcoin Maribor Meetup #15 — Community Q&A

Bitcoin Maribor Meetup

At the 15th Bitcoin Maribor Meetup, we will try something new. We will take questions from the participants of the meetup.

For that we have set up a form, to take the questions.

After the event, we will gather at a café where you can meet other members of the Slovenian Bitcoin community and try out how Bitcoin payments work.

The meeting will take place on  Wednesday, January 15th, at 7 PM at the café in Hotel Betnava (Eve Lovše Street 15, Maribor).

Meetup is hosted by Bitcoin Društvo Slovenije and company NiceHash.

If you want to support us and enable future Bitcoin events you can donate here.

If you want to know more, you can read our blog on BITCOIN.SI or on Slo section EUROPEAN BITCOINERS.


Na 15. meetupu skupine Bitcoin Maribor se bomo ponovno poslužili oblike vprašanj iz publike. Tako da dragi ljubitelji, vabljeni, da postanete sokreatorji tematike. Za lažjo postavljanje vprašanj smo ustvarili odprt dokument. Vanj vnesite vaša vprašanja oziroma tematike za pogovor.

Srečanje se bo odvilo v sredo, 15. januarja, ob 19h v kavarni Hotela Betnava (ulica Eve Lovše 15, Maribor).

Pridružite se nam in razširite svoje znanje ter izkušnje v svetu napredne digitalne valute!
Nato se bomo družili v kavarni, kjer bo mogoče plačati z uporabo bitcoina.

📅 Wednesday, January 15, 2025
🕔 Time: 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM CET
📍 Hotel Betnava
Ulica Eve Lovše 15 · Maribor


Bitcoin Maribor connects people with interest in Bitcoin and Lightning Network through monthly meetups with short presentations and long discussions about all things Bitcoin.

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