


Local time: Timezone: (UTC +01:00) CET (Amsterdam, Berlin, Madrid, Paris)Date: Wed, Oct 30, 2024Time: 07:00 PM - 09:00 PM

Location: Sputnik Galerija, Tržaška c. 128, Ljubljana


Bitcoin Ljubljana Meetup #35 – Oct’24

Bitcoin Ljubljana Meetup 35 October 2024

The 35th edition of the Bitcoin Ljubljana Meetup will see the launch of the book Inventing Bitcoin, a new translation in the Bitcoin knjižnica collection.

“When people first hear about Bitcoin, they form an opinion before they even try to understand it.” This is one of Yan Pritzker’s opening sentences in the book Inventing Bitcoin, the translation of which we are adding to the Bitcoin knjižnica collection.

While Vijay Boyapati’s Bullish Case for Bitcoin explained the reasons for Bitcoin’s long-term value through the perspectives of macroeconomic factors, inflation, monetary policy and its role in comparison to other forms of money such as gold and fiat currencies, the book Inventing Bitcoin focuses mainly on technical aspects of Bitcoin. It explains how Bitcoin works, how it is designed, and the technology behind it, including the concept of blockchain, mining, and decentralization.

The book does not only deal with the technical aspects of Bitcoin, but also sheds light on the wider picture – from the crisis of confidence in traditional financial systems to the idea of ​​a completely safe, globally accessible and independent money. Pritzker writes in a simple way, which means that readers do not need in-depth technical, mathematical or computer knowledge to understand. Precisely for this reason, it will also appeal to more demanding readers, as they will get simple explanations and outlines of the technical background of Bitcoin, which they can use in more complex cases of coloring eternal skeptics.

You can pre-order the book at and pick it up at the event.
There will also be a trio of translated books, Inventing Bitcoin, Bullish Case for Bitcoin, and Od barantanja do bitcoina in the Intro to Bitcoin set.


Vabljeni na Bitcoin Ljubljana Metup XXXV!

Napovednik dogodka: Predstavitev knjige Izum Bitcoina, novi prevod v zbirki Bitcoin knjižnice

»Ko ljudje prvič slišijo za Bitcoin, si ustvarijo mnenje, še preden ga poskušajo razumeti.« To je eden izmed uvodnih stavkov Yana Pritzkerja v knjigi Izum Bitcoina (Inventing Bitcoin), katere prevod dodajamo v zbirko Bitcoin knjižnice.

Če smo v knjigi Bikovska napoved za Bitcoin Vijaya Boyapatija skozi perspektive makroekonomskih dejavnikov, inflacije, monetarne politike in njegove vloge v primerjavi z drugimi oblikami denarja, kot so zlato in fiatne valute spoznali razloge za Bitcoinovo dolgoročno vrednost, se knjiga Izum Bitcoina osredotoča predvsem na tehnične vidike Bitcoina. Pojasnjuje, kako Bitcoin deluje, kako je zasnovan in kakšna tehnologija stoji za njim, vključno s konceptom verige blokov, rudarjenja in decentralizacije. Knjiga se ne ukvarja zgolj s tehničnimi vidiki Bitcoina, ampak osvetli tudi širšo sliko – od krize zaupanja v tradicionalne finančne sisteme do ideje o popolnoma varnem, globalno dostopnem in neodvisnem denarju. Pritzker piše na preprost način, kar pomeni, da za razumevanje bralci ne potrebujejo poglobljenega tehničnega, matematičnega ali računalniškega predznanja. Ravno zaradi tega bo všeč tudi bolj zahtevnim bralcem, saj bodo v njej dobili preproste razlage in orise tehničnega ozadja Bitcoina, ki jih bodo lahko uporabili pri kompleksnejših primerih barvanja večnih skeptikov.

Knjigo si lahko zagotovite že v prednaročilu na in jo prevzamete na dogodku.

Prav tako bo na voljo trojček knjig Izum Bitcoina, Bikovska napoved za Bitcoin in Od barantanja do bitcoina v kompletu Uvod v Bitcoin.

📅 Wednesday, October 30, 2024
🕔 Time: 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM CET
📍 Sputnik Galerija
Tržaška c. 128 · Ljubljana

👉 Please RSVP to the event as the number of spots is limited!

✨ Bitcoin Ljubljana connects people with interest in Bitcoin and Lightning Network through monthly meetups with short presentations and long discussions about all things Bitcoin.

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