


Local time: Timezone: (UTC-10:00) HawaiiDate: Mon, Jan 29, 2024Time: 05:30 PM - 07:30 PM

Location: Entrepreneurs Sandbox, 643 Ilalo St, Honolulu, HI


Honolulu BitDevs Socratic Seminar #30 w/ Bitcoin Shooter

Honolulu BitDevs Socratic Seminar

The Honolulu BitDevs Socratic Seminar series is a monthly event where we discuss salient industry news, the latest advancements in Bitcoin development, and how it all ties into financial freedom.

All are welcome to join the conversation, regardless of technical expertise! Come learn why we’re so passionate about Bitcoin.

We will be discussing relevant technical updates and non-technical current events from the last month.

This event is intended to facilitate discussion about the latest advancements in Bitcoin-adjacent development and relevant news/content. It is NOT a discussion about price, trading, or any altcoins.

Guest SpeakerBitcoin Shooter, world-traveling filmmaker
Topic: Upcoming “No More Inflation” film

📅 Monday, January 29, 2024
🕔 5:30 PM – 7:30 PM HST
📍 Entrepreneurs Sandbox
643 Ilalo St · Honolulu, HI


Honolulu Bitcoin is a community for those interested in discussing current events and technical developments in the Bitcoin space.

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