


Local time: Timezone: (UTC-04:00) Eastern Daylight Time (US & Canada)Date: Thu, Apr 18, 2024Time: 06:00 PM - 08:00 PM

Location: Office Evolution, 4801 Glenwood Ave suite 200, Raleigh, NC


Triangle BitDevs Fedimint Workshop – Collaboratively Explore How to Launch a Fedimint

Triangle BitDevs Fedimint Workshop
Join the Triangle BitDevs Fedimint Workshop for a collaborative workshop exploring how to set up a local fedimint!

Fedimint is a protocol to custody and transact bitcoin in a community context. Trust is distributed among a collection of technical community members, called guardians, who each host a fedimint service. Fedimint offers a more private way to transact with bitcoin using a technology called Chaumian eCash, which cryptographically conceals the identity of transactors from everyone, including the guardians who operate the service.

Fedimint recently released launched on mainnet and mints are popping up all over the world. You can try out fedimint today by installing Mutiny Wallet or Fedi Bravo (on Android or iOS) and find a mint to join. Let’s get started on the Triangle BitDevs fedimint!

We will discuss the fedimint protocol and Chaumian eCash at a high level. Then we will dig into the specifics of how to run a mint.

Pizza, drinks, and vibes will be provided.

📅 Thursday, April 18, 2024
🕔 Time: 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM EDT
📍 Office Evolution
4801 Glenwood Ave Suite 200 · Raleigh, NC


Triangle BitDevs organizes free monthly meetups to discuss technical developments in the bitcoin protocol and related projects. This group is the Raleigh/Durham fork of the BitDevs NYC meetup.

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