


Local time: Timezone: (UTC+08:00) TaipeiDate: Wed, Jan 17, 2024Time: 07:00 PM - 09:00 PM

Location: No. 9, Lishui St, 永康里 · Da’an District, Taipei


Taiwan BitDevs Socratic Seminar #16

Taiwan BitDevs

Taiwan BitDevs Socratic Seminar aims to foster debate, information sharing, and open discussion among attendees, with the focus on technical aspects of Bitcoin.

In the weeks leading up to the event, members of the group gather and curate discussion topics from various sources such as popular git repositories (e.g. Bitcoin Core, lnd, c-lightning, rust-bitcoin, Joinmarket, WasabiWallet), research papers, technical blog posts, IRC logs, network monitors, and more. Through lively and engaging discussions, we explore a range of developments and trade-offs in progress related to Bitcoin, including industry updates and press releases.

Some events feature presentations from open-source projects, companies, research, and other related content, followed by feedback and Q&A. Afterward, we socialize over food and drinks in the venue. We encourage all attendees to contribute to the discussion topics on GitHub, and we look forward to hearing from you.



我們每月的蘇格拉底式研討會旨在促進與會者之間的辯論、信息共享和開放討論。在活動前幾周,團隊成員從各種來源(如流行的git代碼倉庫,例如Bitcoin Core、lnd、c-lightning、rust-bitcoin、Joinmarket、WasabiWallet、研究論文、技術博客文章、IRC日誌、網絡監控等)中收集和整理討論主題。通過生動有趣的討論,我們探討與比特幣相關的一系列發展和進展中的權衡,包括行業更新和新聞發布。一些活動包括來自開源項目、公司、研究和其他相關內容的演示,隨後是反饋和問答。活動結束後,我們會在場地內享用美食和飲料。我們鼓勵所有與會者在GitHub上貢獻討論主題,並期待您的回應。

📅 Wednesday, January 17, 2024
🕔 Time: 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM GMT+8
📍 No. 9, Lishui St, 永康里 · Da’an District, Taipei

Taiwan BitDevs is a community for those interested in discussing and participating in the research and development of Bitcoin and related protocols. You can be well versed with or new to the topics. All are welcome!

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