
#Outdoor Activities


North Bay Bitcoin + Don’t Die Hike Crossover Meetup

Santa Rosa, CA

Join us for the North Bay Bitcoin + Don’t Die Hike Crossover Meetup in Santa Rosa, CA on Sunday, March 9th for an unforgettable sunrise hike! A message from Erin, the organizer: I’ve been hosting the North Bay Bitcoin Meetup for the past four years. We always meet at a bar. This time, I’m going […]

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BitcoinWalk Arnhem – Jan’25


Na een succesvolle herfst-editie gaan we zaterdagochtend 18 januari de winter-editie van de BitcoinWalk Arnhem lopen. Met achteraf lunch in Le Grand Cafe op de Korenmarkt. Wie wandelt er dit keer mee door de prachtige parken van Arnhem? Vanaf de Spar maken we een wandeling door het Park Sonsbeek en Park Zypendaal van circa anderhalf […]

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Arnhem Bitcoin City Mountainbike Tour + Pancake Lunch


Due to the great success during Adopting Bitcoin, here is the latest edition of the Arnhem Bitcoin City Mountainbike Tour. Join us for a roughly 20 km mountain bike ride with other bitcoin enthusiasts! Mountain bikes (including helmet) can be rented for €25, payable with bitcoin. We will depart from Veluwe Actief Arnhem (Europaweg 27, […]

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