


London BitDevs Socratic Seminar #38


London BitDevs Socratic Seminar is a public meetup group open to all: developers, aspiring developers and non-developers who want to learn and discuss Bitcoin technology. BitDevs organizes Socratic Seminars in various cities around the world. It was started in NYC in 2013. The topics are announced shortly before the event on If you have […]

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London Bitcoin Space – Be Your Own Bank


Be Your Own Bank is an inclusive knowledge event hosted by Cyphermunk House, designed to empower you with the tools, knowledge, and insights to take control of your financial future through Bitcoin and decentralized technology. Key Event Highlights: Workshops: Building SeedSigners, using Sparrow Wallet, and setting up multi-sig with educators available throughout the day. Book […]

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London Bitcoin Space – Bitcoin 101


Welcome plebs, to London Bitcoin Space – bringing together beginner and veteran bitcoiners to learn about Satoshi’s gift, connect and lay the foundations of the future. This is a continuation of our pop-up beginner’s bitcoin classes, for precoiners and beginners finding thier way down the rabbit hole. This week, learn about bitcoin wallets, nodes and […]

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Bitcoinology – Elerium: Open Source NFC Hardware Wallet


Come join the Bitcoinology London meetup with Nick presenting a brand new project that he has been working on, creating a completely open source, fully programmable NFC card with open source firmware! Feel free to join us straight after for a drink too. πŸ“… Wednesday, September 4, 2024 πŸ•” Time: 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM […]

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London Bitcoin Space – Bitcoin 101


Welcome plebs, to London Bitcoin Space – bringing together beginner and veteran bitcoiners to learn about Satoshi’s gift, connect and lay the foundations of the future. This is a continuation of our pop-up beginner’s bitcoin classes, for precoiners and beginners finding thier way down the rabbit hole. This week, learn about bitcoin wallets, nodes and […]

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London BitDevs Socratic Seminar #37


London BitDevs Socratic Seminar is a public meetup group open to all: developers, aspiring developers and non-developers who want to learn and discuss Bitcoin technology. BitDevs organizes Socratic Seminars in various cities around the world. It was started in NYC in 2013. The topics are announced shortly before the event on If you have […]

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London Bitcoin Space – Bitcoin 101


Welcome plebs, to London Bitcoin Space – bringing together beginner and veteran bitcoiners to learn about Satoshi’s gift, connect and lay the foundations of the future. This is a continuation of our pop-up beginner’s bitcoin classes, for precoiners and beginners finding thier way down the rabbit hole. This week, learn about bitcoin wallets, nodes and […]

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Bitcoinology – The Evolution of MultiSig Since BIP-341


Come join the Bitcoinology London meetup with Antoine Riard talking about multi-sig, threshold, blind signing, and the practical advances made since BIP-341. You will learn the different properties between the multi signature schemes, the challenges that signers encounter when used in real word use cases, and the some of the new and promising papers and […]

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London Bitcoin Space Nostr Night @ Cyphermunk House


Welcome plebs, to London Bitcoin Space Nostr Night @ Cyphermunk House, combining education, art and culture to create signal for bitcoin and nostr. This is a first social nostr night at the UK’s only bitcoin art gallery. Although predominantly a social event, questions on bitcoin and nostr will be fielded by our team of educators. […]

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London BitDevs Socratic Seminar #36


London BitDevs Socratic Seminar is a public meetup group open to all: developers, aspiring developers and non-developers who want to learn and discuss Bitcoin technology. BitDevs organizes Socratic Seminars in various cities around the world. It was started in NYC in 2013. The topics are announced shortly before the event on If you have […]

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Bitcoinology – Movie Screening BTCPay My Trust in You is Broken


This Bitcoinology event will be a movie screening. The documentary film “My Trust in You Is Broken” tells the origin of BTCPay Server. Created by Nicolas Dorier, and touches on the historical events and passions that have helped to shape Bitcoin’s mission. πŸ“… Wednesday, July 3, 2024 πŸ•” Time: 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM BST […]

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UK Bitcoin Meetup Group

Β  London, United Kingdom Welcome to the UK Bitcoin Meetup Group,Β  the place to meet others interested in Bitcoin and learn more about it. Open to newcomers and also those more experienced in the space. See our page for key links and more info on why Bitcoin only. Find Hotels UK Bitcoin Meetup Group […]

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Bitcoinology – Covenant Garden with NiftyNei


This is a last minute pop-up Bitcoinology event in collaboration with Bitcoin++ by @NiftyNei. She is the founder and chief of protocol education at Base58. She’s worked extensively with the lightning protocols while at Blockstream, as a core member of the Core Lightning team. She also runs bitcoin++, an international bitcoin dev conference series. In […]

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London BitDevs Socratic Seminar #35


London BitDevs Socratic Seminar is a public meetup group open to all: developers, aspiring developers and non-developers who want to learn and discuss Bitcoin technology. BitDevs organizes Socratic Seminars in various cities around the world. It was started in NYC in 2013. The topics are announced shortly before the event on If you have […]

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Bitcoinology – The Environmental Impact of Bitcoin


At this Bitcoinology event, Antoine D will walk us through the critiques and the research around the environmental impacts of Bitcoin. If you want to get a better understanding of the holistic landscape, or if this is something that interests you, come and join in on the conversation! Feel free to join us straight after […]

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London BitDevs Socratic Seminar #34


London BitDevs Socratic Seminar is a public meetup group open to all: developers, aspiring developers and non-developers who want to learn and discuss Bitcoin technology. BitDevs organizes Socratic Seminars in various cities around the world. It was started in NYC in 2013. The topics are announced shortly before the event on If you have […]

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Bitcoinology – The Genesis Book Q&A with Aaron Van Wirdum


For this event, Bitcoinology will have a Q&A seesion with Aaron Van Wirdum, the author of “The Genesis Book.” This is a great opportunity to pick his brain about his research about the history of the Cypherpunk movement and all of the innovations that led up to the invention of Bitcoin. πŸ“… Wednesday, May 1, […]

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London BitDevs Socratic Seminar #33


London BitDevs Socratic Seminar is a public meetup group open to all: developers, aspiring developers and non-developers who want to learn and discuss Bitcoin technology. BitDevs organizes Socratic Seminars in various cities around the world. It was started in NYC in 2013. The topics are announced shortly before the event on If you have […]

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Bitcoinology – Mercury Layer: A Fully Blinded Implementation of Statechains


For this Bitcoinology event, Dr. Tom from CommerceBlock will be talking about Mercury Layer, a Layer 2 for Bitcoin. This will be a little technical, so get your thinking caps on, Mercury Layer has been described as the virtual Opendime. This is an innovative technology that focuses on protecting your privacy and in this talk, […]

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Bitcoinology – MATT by Salvatore Ingala


At this Bitcoinology event, Salvatore Ingala will talk about MATT,Β  a novel approach to powerful smart contracts in Bitcoin using a fairly straightforward soft fork. Salvatore is an Engineer, working to pave the way for the next generation of Bitcoin wallets by bringing native support for miniscript and other advanced signing policies in hardware signers. […]

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