


Local time: Timezone: (UTC -07:00) PDT (US & Canada)Date: Fri, Oct 18, 2024Time: 05:00 PM - 11:59 PM

Location: 1212 Santa Monica, 1212 3rd Street Promenade, Santa Monica, CA


Santa Monica Bitcoin Pleb Party

Santa Monica Bitcoin Pleb Party October 2024

The Santa Monica Bitcoin Pleb Party hosted by Anders will be held following the Bitcoin Peer to Pier, a one-day Open Source Festival on Friday, October 18th.

This 7-hour Pleb Party takes place at 1212 Santa Monica in the Private Dining Room located on the second floor, behind a decorative glass wall. Featuring a full bar, lounge and dining areas, and a pool table, this is the perfect atmosphere to mingle and connect with your favorite bitcoiners.

Dom Bei from Proof of Workforce will be attending and speaking about the Festival, the Santa Monica Bitcoin Office, and Proof of Workforce. We will have a few other speakers throughout the evening including special remarks from your host Anders. More details will be released soon!

Light fare will be provided along with a cash bar.

All tickets are transferrable but non-refundable.

đź“… Friday, October 18, 2024
🕔 Time: 5:00 PM – 11:59 PM PDT
đź“Ť 1212 Santa Monica
1212 3rd Street Promenade · Santa Monica, CA


✨ After a great run in 2017, Anders brought the Bitcoin Los Angeles Meetup back to life in 2022, trying to make this a regular event. Purpose is for Bitcoiners to get together and enjoy good time.

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