


Local time: Timezone: (UTC-06:00) Mountain Daylight Time (US & Canada)Date: Sat, May 11, 2024Time: 02:45 PM - 05:30 PM

Location: Sprague Branch, 2131 1100 E, Salt Lake City, UT


Salt Lake Bitcoin Meetup – The World Famous Bitcoin LARP

Salt Lake Bitcoin Meetup

Welcome to the Salt Lake Bitcoin Meetup! The Bitcoin LARP (Live Action Role Play) is an interactive game/exercise in physically running the Bitcoin Network.

The LARP is the best way to start understanding how the Bitcoin Network operates under the hood. During the LARP attendees will be divided into several “nodes.” We will walk through how to set up your “node,” what tasks it performs and even how to start mining for new blocks! Eventually the nodes will be turned loose and it’s your job to try and stay in consensus with the other nodes and mine as much Bitcoin as you can.

This event requires a few prerequisites, you should know or learn before the event:

  • What a UTXO is
  • A basic understanding of how Bitcoin transactions work
  • Basic understanding of how Bitcoin fees work

If you are new to Bitcoin or don’t have any interest in the really nerdy stuff this will probably not be a good event to attend.

📅 Saturday, May 11, 2024
🕔 Time: 2:45 PM – 5:30 PM MDT
📍 Sprague Branch
2131 1100 E · Salt Lake City, UT


Salt Lake Bitcoin is a group focused on all things Bitcoin and The Lightning Network. We meet regularly for casual discussions and presentations on topics like the protocol and software, economics, self custody storage techniques and mining.

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