


Local time: Timezone: (UTC-06:00) Mountain Daylight Time (US & Canada)Date: Wed, Jun 5, 2024Time: 06:00 PM - 08:00 PM

Location: Brewvies Cinema Pub, 677 S 200 W, Salt Lake City, UT


Salt Lake Bitcoin Meetup – Bitcoin Mining with Zack Bomsta

Salt Lake Bitcoin Meetup

Welcome to the Salt Lake Bitcoin Meetup! This month we are talking about Bitcoin Mining with the Legendary Pleb Miner Zack Bomsta. Zack has developed some of the most game changing hardware in the pleb mining space and continues to break trail and make home mining possible for people all over the world.

We will cover a range of topics related to the current state of mining and what home mining looks like now and into the future.

If you already know a thing or two about Mining check out Zack’s products at

If you are new to Bitcoin/Mining, come learn from the best.

See you all there……P.S. there will be a “lottery mining” demo going on during the talk and into the evening.

📅 Wednesday, June 5, 2024
🕔 Time: 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM MDT
📍 Brewvies Cinema Pub
677 S 200 W · Salt Lake City, UT


Salt Lake Bitcoin is a group focused on all things Bitcoin and The Lightning Network. We meet regularly for casual discussions and presentations on topics like the protocol and software, economics, self custody storage techniques and mining.

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