


Local time: Timezone: (UTC-05:00) Central Daylight Time (US & Canada)Date: Thu, Aug 8, 2024Time: 07:00 PM - 09:00 PM

Location: Allen R Baca Center for Senior and Community Activities, 301 W Bagdad Ave, Bldg 2 ·, Round Rock, TX


Round Rock Bitcoiners Meetup #27 w/ Unclejim21, CASCDR

Round Rock Bitcoiners Allen R Baca Center

Join us at Round Rock Bitcoiners Meetup #27 with special guest, Unclejim21 from CASCDR, a private lightning powered AI service platform!

Unclejim21, also known as Jim, is an active contributor on GitHub with a rich history of projects and contributions. Some highlights of his work include:

Sphinx Chat: Jim has been deeply involved with Sphinx Chat, a communications platform that integrates payments and messaging using Bitcoin and the Lightning Network. His contributions to this project showcase his expertise in the intersection of messaging platforms and Satoshis.

PlebLab: As a resident and contributor at PlebLab in Austin, Jim has been instrumental in fostering a community of developers and enthusiasts. PlebLab is known for its collaborative environment where individuals come together to work on innovative projects, and Jim’s presence there underscores his commitment to the tech community in Austin.

Other Contributions: Beyond CASCDR, Sphinx Chat, and PlebLab, Jim has a diverse portfolio of projects on GitHub, ranging from Bitcoin-related tools to general software and AI development. This breadth of experience speaks to his versatility as a developer and his passion for exploring new technological frontiers.

📅 Thursday, August 8, 2024
🕔 Time: 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM CDT
📍 Allen R Baca Center for Senior and Community Activities
301 W Bagdad Ave, Bldg 2 · Round Rock, TX


✨ Round Rock Bitcoiners is a group of individuals who meets monthly to discuss Bitcoin topics. Our primary goal is to share knowledge, tools, and resources while creating a peer to peer network within the Round Rock community.

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