


Local time: Timezone: (UTC-05:00) Central Daylight Time (US & Canada)Date: Thu, Jun 13, 2024Time: 06:30 PM - 08:30 PM

Location: Allen R Baca Center for Senior and Community Activities, 301 W Bagdad Ave, Bldg 2 ·, Round Rock, TX


Round Rock Bitcoiners Meetup #25 w/ Carliño,

Round Rock Bitcoiners Allen R Baca Center

Join us at Round Rock Bitcoiners Meetup with Special Guest, Carliño, the visionary leader behind, delving into the pivotal role Bitcoin played in ensuring election integrity during the Guatemalan national elections of 2023.

This Socratic style event will provide an in-depth look at how Bitcoin technology is revolutionizing the way we conduct and verify elections.

Carliño leads, a real-time, post-election audit effort that became the first in history to successfully verify all election documents produced by the Guatemalan voting system during the national election of 2023. Thanks to both the Bitcoin blockchain and lightning network, what used to be considered impossible became possible as Guatemala became the first country in the world to protect its voting system with Bitcoin and provide an independent audit of the results in real time. Both stories are told via documentaries that he produced and, as a result, joined the team. He believes that a new generation of bitcoiner will come for Democracy, but stay for Bitcoin.

Join us for a preview of Carliño’s documentary on using Bitcoin to secure Guatemala’s 2023 elections. Get a behind-the-scenes look and engage in a lively discussion over jitsi-meet with the visionary behind this groundbreaking initiative. Don’t miss this chance to witness history and meet the man who made it happen!

📅 Thursday, June 13, 2024
🕔 Time: 6:30 PM – 8:30PM CDT
📍 Allen R Baca Center for Senior and Community Activities
301 W Bagdad Ave, Bldg 2 · Round Rock, TX


✨ Round Rock Bitcoiners is a group of individuals who meets monthly to discuss Bitcoin topics. Our primary goal is to share knowledge, tools, and resources while creating a peer to peer network within the Round Rock community.

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