


Local time: Timezone: (UTC-05:00) Central Daylight Time (US & Canada)Date: Thu, May 9, 2024Time: 06:30 PM - 08:30 PM

Location: Allen R Baca Center for Senior and Community Activities, 301 W Bagdad Ave, Bldg 2 ·, Round Rock, TX


Round Rock Bitcoiners Meetup #24 w/ Sahil Chaturvedi, GetOnZero

Round Rock Bitcoiners Allen R Baca Center

Join us at Round Rock Bitcoiners Meetup with Special Guest Sahil Chaturvedi, a distinguished speaker from the #GetOnZero movement, an initiative that challenges traditional financial paradigms and encourages a profound shift towards Bitcoin.

#GetOnZero represents a bold stance in personal finance —advocating for a lifestyle where fiat currency is minimized in favor of maximizing Bitcoin holdings. This philosophy is rooted in the belief that fiat currencies, with their diminishing purchasing power and susceptibility to inflation, offer little security for long-term savings. In contrast, Bitcoin, with its decentralized nature and potential for value appreciation, presents a more viable option for preserving and growing wealth over time.

Our esteemed speaker, a fervent advocate for #GetOnZero, will share insights on the movement’s principles, including the practicalities of living almost entirely on Bitcoin and the strategies for transitioning away from fiat dependency.

We’ll also demo some tools and provide opportunities for a little peer to peer circular economy A.K.A. Satoshi Square.

📅 Thursday, May 9, 2024
🕔 Time: 6:30 PM – 8:30PM CDT
📍 Allen R Baca Center for Senior and Community Activities
301 W Bagdad Ave, Bldg 2 · Round Rock, TX


✨ Round Rock Bitcoiners is a group of individuals who meets monthly to discuss Bitcoin topics. Our primary goal is to share knowledge, tools, and resources while creating a peer to peer network within the Round Rock community.

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