
Round Rock Bitcoiners

usaΒ  Round Rock, TX, USA

Round Rock Bitcoiners is a group of individuals who meets monthly to discuss Bitcoin topics. Our primary goal is to share knowledge, tools, and resources while creating a peer to peer network within the Round Rock community.

Whether you are new to bitcoin or a hardened node-runner, if you live in or around Round Rock, this group is for you.

The purpose of this group is 2 fold:

1 – Share knowledge while discussing tools, resources, and benefits of the Bitcoin network for advancing humankind.
2 – Peer to peer networking with other bitcoiners in order to grow adoption by small local businesses within our community, in a decentralized “grass roots” fashion.

** We meet Every Second Thursday of the Month at 6:00PM **

Check out our website at for past discussions and other Bitcoin resources. Vires in Numeris

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