


Local time: Timezone: (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)Date: Sat, Mar 2, 2024Time: 12:00 PM - 12:30 PM

Location: PlebLab 800 Brazos St suite 260, Austin, TX


Austin Bitcoin PlebLab Workshop – Stay A Compliant Bitcoin Company ANON by Simon Lariviere (Video)

Austin Bitcoin PlebLab Workshop Stay A Compliant Bitcoin Company ANON by Simon Lariviere

Join Austin Bitcoin PlebLab Workshop from Simon Lariviere, Co-Founder of Tech Compatibilite.

Simon will review new cloud technologies and simplified processes, allowing efficient and timely reporting. As a result, you will have a more informed view of your project’s finances while staying compliant.

A graduate of HEC Montréal, Simon began his career in accounting, area in which he has worked for three years. He then spent the next six years doing business financing for SMEs with a turnover from $ 2 million to $ 75 million. The lessons drawn for this collaboration with dozens of companies allow him to develop unique financial expertise on the challenges facing entrepreneurs.

📅 Saturday, March 2, 2024
🕔 Time: 12:00 PM – 12:30 PM CST
📍 PlebLab
800 Brazos St suite 260 · Austin, TX


Austin Bitcoin PlebLab is a group of misfit hackers who firmly believe that coming together to support developers is key for bitcoin to continue. Free and open-source development is critical to breakthroughs in bitcoin. The FOSS ethos is at the center of what we do here at Pleb Lab.

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