


Local time: Timezone: SGT (Singapore, Kuala Lumpur)Date: Thu, Nov 21, 2024Time: 05:30 PM - 07:00 PM

Location: Online, Makati City


Philippine Bitcoiners Online Meetup – Strategic Bitcoin Reserve: nation states stacking sats? – November 2024

Philippine Bitcoiners Online Meetup

Philippine Bitcoiners online meetups are back, serving many people interested in Bitcoin in the Philippines who live outside the larger cities.

The market is pumping again, and we’ve way passed all time highs. Find it hard to concentrate at work? Wondering why it might be going up in price? Come and make educated guesses with the rest us from the comfort of your home.

This will be the last online meetup of 2024, so come join!

Best to join with a earphones and from a quiet place.

đź“… Thursday, November 21, 2024
đź•” Time: 5:30 PM – 7:00 PM PHT
đź“Ť Online


✨ Philippine Bitcoiners is a place to share and exchange knowledge of and around Bitcoin, free from distraction of altcoins. Anyone who wants to learn or share about Bitcoin, history and philosophy of money, macro economics, Austrian economics, and investing in bitcoin, is welcome.