


Local time: Timezone: (UTC -05:00) EST (US & Canada)Date: Sun, Nov 24, 2024Time: 07:00 PM - 09:00 PM

Location: Glebe Central Pub, 779 Bank St, Ottawa, ON


Ottawa Bitcoin Builders – Nov’24 (Canceled)

Ottawa Bitcoin Builders

Ottawa Bitcoin Builders is a monthly meetup for those creating and building in the Bitcoin space, intended for entrepreneurs, content creators, developers, etc.

This is a place where we can network, share ideas / struggles / successes, and hold each other accountable. Not to mentions discuss the details of what’s going on in the world of Bitcoin.

📅 Sunday, November 24, 2024
🕔 Time: 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM EST
📍 Glebe Central Pub
779 Bank St · Ottawa, ON

  • This event was canceled

✨ The Ottawa Bitcoin Group hosts monthly meetups to learn, teach and share stories about all things Bitcoin.

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