


Local time: Timezone: (UTC) GMT (Edinburgh, London)Date: Tue, Feb 20, 2024Time: 06:30 PM - 09:30 PM

Location: The Ware Rooms Bar, 17 Carliol Square, Newcastle upon Tyne


Newcastle Bitcoin Meetup – Feb’24

Newcastle Bitcoin Meetup BW

The next installment of the Newcastle Bitcoin Meetup will be diving into the intriguing world of Bitcoin Inheritance. Whether you’re a hodler or new to the space, thinking about how to secure your digital assets for the future is crucial. So, we’re adding a pinch of structure to our usual casual hangout.

We’re mixing our usual chats with a guided conversation on how to ensure your Bitcoin finds its way to your loved ones, should the unexpected happen. No need to be an expert; we’re all here to learn and share! I’ll kick things off with a short intro on the topic, covering basics like:

  • The importance of planning your digital estate
  • Options for passing on your Bitcoin securely
  • Real-world cases and solutions

Then, it’s over to you! Share your thoughts, ask questions, and let’s help each other navigate these uncharted waters. Whether you’ve got a foolproof plan, are just starting to think about this, or are somewhere in between, your insights are valuable.

Don’t worry, we’re keeping it light and informative. There’ll be plenty of time for our usual networking, catching up, and of course some Bitcoin banter.

While we’re all about sharing knowledge, we strongly encourage everyone to keep intricate details about their Bitcoin security under wraps during our meetups for their security.

📅 Tuesday, February 20, 2024
🕔 Time: 6:30 PM – 9:30 PM GMT
📍 The Ware Rooms Bar
17 Carliol Square · Newcastle upon Tyne


Newcastle Bitcoin Meetup is an informal and easy-going get-together for those interested in Bitcoin. You do not need to own any, just have an interest in the space – everyone is welcome.

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