


Local time: Timezone: (UTC -08:00) PST (US & Canada)Date: Thu, Dec 19, 2024Time: 06:30 PM - 09:30 PM

Location: The San Fernando, 5230 San Fernando Rd, Glendale, CA


NELA Bitcoiners Meetup – Dec’24/2

NELA Bitcoiners

Join us for the next edition of the NELA Bitcoiners Meetup at The San Fernando! This gathering is the perfect opportunity to connect with fellow Bitcoin enthusiasts from Northeast Los Angeles and beyond.

A message from the hosts:

This year has been an incredible ride. We restarted our fledgling meetup 12 months ago in hopes that we could build a little of that vital connection which so often goes missing in LA… and it was not easy. There were weeks where almost no one showed, weeks where weirdos showed, weeks where we didn’t exactly feel safe, and weeks where we were forced to be hostile to shitcoiners…

But we planted our flag, and have defended it.

We are now ending the year with:
– New ATHs in regular double digit attendance
– Record numbers of women attendees (around 50% of our group!—which is, alone, incredible and unheard of in Bitcoin circles.)

It is now safe to say that we have a well-defended and strong outpost in one of the most culturally hostile environments in the world. Evil owns LA, but it will never win against us and Bitcoin so long as we endure and continue the attack.

Our decision to start a meetup in LA is strategic by design. As a global cultural epicenter, Los Angeles shapes worldwide trends and attitudes. When we succeed here—and we will—we’ll be influencing the direction of civilization itself. But beyond this grand vision, something more personal and profound is happening: this group is rekindling hope for LA in the hearts of its members, myself included. I began last year doubting whether bitcoiners could thrive here, believing that Orange Pilling meant inevitable exodus from the city. Now, as this year draws to a close, I find myself welcoming new bitcoiners into our community every week.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Join us one last time in 2024 as we look forward to carrying this meetup into the new year.

📅 Thursday, December 19, 2024
🕔 Time: 6:30 PM – 9:30 PM PST
📍 The San Fernando
5230 San Fernando Rd · Glendale, CA

NELA Bitcoiners is a fun and personable meetup group where we celebrate the best of all worlds: A world denominated in Bitcoin.

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