


Local time: Timezone: (UTC-12:00) International Date Line WestDate: Fri, Mar 20, 2020Time: 09:00 AM - 06:00 PM

Location: Pueblo Español, Palma de Mallorca


Mallorca Blockchain Days 2020

Bitcoin Mallorca Meeetup

Mallorca Blockchain Days 2020 s a crypto conference with the main focus on bitcoin and liberty. We are bringing together active users, developers, media, policy makers, investors and startups with passion for this new technology.

This unique, multi-disciplinary conference is a favorite amongst leaders in the field and is a perfect opportunity to share and learn from one another. It is a great opportunity to learn about blockchain technology and to present your project. The conference is expected to gather around 400 attendees and will be filled with keynotes from top speakers and presentations of new ideas in crypto, amazing breakout sessions, an exciting expo hall, special events, one big party, and much more.

Speakers include:

  • Joshua Scigala, CEO Vaultoro
  • Vit Jedlicka, President of Liberland
  • Pavol Luptak, Cryptoanarchist
  • Rodolfo Andragnes, Bitcoin Argentina
  • Andrei Martchouk, KI-Decentralized
  • Max Hillebrand, Economist, Wasabi Wallet
  • Aaron Koenig, Bitfilm
  • Michael Dupree, Easybit
  • Reinhard Bochem, Inner Circle
  • Christian Luecke, Mallorca Blockchain
  • Gideon Gallasch, Blockchainhotel
  • Jon Durdel, Bitcore

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