


Local time: Timezone: (UTC -05:00) EST (US & Canada)Date: Sun, Feb 2, 2025Time: 04:00 PM - 06:00 PM

Location: DiOrio's Pizza & Pub, 919 Baxter Avenue, Louisville, KY


Louisville Bitcoin Meetup – Feb’25

Louisville Bitcoin Meetup e1727205421851

Join the Louisville Bitcoin Meetup, the city’s longest-running Bitcoin community, typically held at 4 p.m. on the first Sunday of each month.

Stay tuned for updates, as the location or meeting details may vary. We’ll also announce any specific presentations or topics ahead of time.

Whether you’re a seasoned Bitcoiner or new to the space, this meetup is the perfect opportunity to connect, share ideas, and learn about Bitcoin.

Want to Present? We’re always looking for presenters! If you have a Bitcoin-specific topic you’d like to share, reach out to the organizers or drop a message in the discussion.

📅 Sunday, February 2, 2025
🕔 Time: 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM EST
📍 DiOrio’s Pizza & Pub
919 Baxter Avenue · Louisville, KY


✨ The Louisville Bitcoin Meetup is for people who share an interest in Bitcoin. From complete novice to seasoned veteran, this is your chance to come together and share stories, ideas, or opportunities.

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