


Local time: Timezone: (UTC -04:00) EDT (US & Canada)Date: Sun, Apr 6, 2025Time: 04:00 PM - 06:00 PM

Location: DiOrio's Pizza & Pub, 919 Baxter Avenue, Louisville, KY


Louisville Bitcoin Meetup – Apr’25

Louisville Bitcoin Meetup e1727205421851

Join the original Louisville Bitcoin Meetup, established in 2013, typically held at 4 p.m. on the first Sunday evening of each month. In addition to our regular monthly meetings, we also host occasional ad hoc gatherings. There are several other enthusiastic blockchain and crypto meetups in Louisville and the surrounding areas—be sure to check them out as well!

Our default meeting location is DiOrio’s at 919 Baxter Ave., but please keep an eye on our updates for any changes. We’ll also update the meeting description when there are specific presentations or special topics for individual meetups.

We are always on the lookout for presenters. If you have a Bitcoin-specific topic you’d like to share with our community, please contact the organizers or bring it up during our discussions.

📅 Sunday, April 6, 2025
🕔 Time: 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM EDT
📍 DiOrio’s Pizza & Pub
919 Baxter Avenue · Louisville, KY

✨ The Louisville Bitcoin Meetup is for people who share an interest in Bitcoin. From complete novice to seasoned veteran, this is your chance to come together and share stories, ideas, or opportunities.

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