


Local time: Timezone: (UTC -07:00) PDT (US & Canada)Date: Sat, Mar 30, 2024Time: 02:30 PM - 04:30 PM

Location: Paper or Plastik Cafe, 5772 W Pico Blvd, Los Angeles, CA


LA Bitcoin Devs Socratic Seminar #44 + Deepak, Mining During the Halvening

Join LA Bitcoin Devs for another amazing Bitcoin meetup! This month will be hosting Deepak from Hashbranch as a guest speaker. He will be diving into what mining could look like in 2024 and beyond as well as strategies and conversations around enabling profitability for emerging miners.

We will also host a Socratic Seminar led by Andrew Yang.

If you have topics you’d like to discuss or present, reach out to us on twitter @bitdevsla!

2:30pm Networking
3:00pm Deepak on mining
3:30 Socratic Seminar
4:40pm Drinks at Fathers Office

📅 Saturday, March 30, 2024
🕔 Time: 2:30 PM – 4:30 PM PDT
📍 Paper or Plastik Cafe
5772 W Pico Blvd · Los Angeles, CA


✨ LA Bitcoin Devs is the home of the Los Angeles Bitcoin Socratic Seminar, a developer-focused Bitcoin meetup. Inspired by Bitdevs NYC, this is an event for those interested in discussing and participating in the research and development of Bitcoin and related protocols.

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