


Local time: Timezone: (UTC -06:00) CST (US & Canada)Date: Wed, Nov 27, 2024Time: 07:00 PM - 11:00 PM

Location: Doc's Victory Pub, 490 Spring Rd, Elmhurst, IL


Chicago Western Suburbs Bitcoin & Beers – Nov’24

Chicago Western Suburbs Bitcoin Meetup November 2024

Welcome to the Chicago Western Suburbs Bitcoin & Beers Meetup! This will be a Bitcoin Black Wednesday Party, a rather informal chill monthly social.

First off.. thank you to everyone who’s been coming out. We’ve had some great meetups this year and we appreciate all of you making time out of your busy schedules to have some fun with us!

Informal chill monthly social. Come as you are to discuss Bitcoin, meet other like-minded individuals interested in cryptocurrency, and have a good time over food/drinks!

Always a great opportunity for engaging conversation and making new friends you wouldn’t otherwise.

The last Wednesday of every month since 2018 for over 6.5+ years!

Drink special: HALF PRICED BEERS!
Food: Wings, Wraps, Sliders, Burgers, Pizza, etc.. plenty of great choices for dinner!

All are welcome (except you dog coin people jk kinda haha)!

We’re happy to answer any questions and help onboard noobs. Stay humble and stack sats!

Special thanks to our sponsor Ulmer & Berne LLP (!

📅 Wednesday, November 27, 2024
🕔 Time: 7:00 PM – 11:00 PM CST
📍 Doc’s Victory Pub
490 Spring Rd · Elmhurst, IL

✨ The Chicago Western Suburbs Bitcoin Meetup is an informal monthly gathering at a pub or restaurant to meet other Bitcoin enthusiasts, discuss the unfolding of the cryptocurrency ecosystem, help newbies, network, and mastermind.

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