


Local time: Timezone: (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)Date: Sat, Mar 2, 2024Time: 02:00 PM - 04:00 PM

Location: 200 N La Salle St, Chicago, IL


Chicago BitDevs Workshop – Building A Better Node

Chicago BitDevs

🌟 Chicago BitDevs Workshop – Building A Better Node

Your Raspberry Pi will die & your lightning channels will be forced closed above 200 sats/vb.

Your Node-In-A-Box provider will go out of business & their software will go unsupported.

Your economic voice is muted without running a node & your trusted providers will fork away or drop hosting.

These are not unaddressable problems, they’re just the ones you’ve been pigeonholed into through learning from bitcoin twitter.

In this workshop, we’ll be exploring traditional tooling used to scale virtual infrastructure safely/robustly and the non-traditional options available to piece together a solution that works best for you. There will be no “one click installation” larping here, we’ll be diving into every step needed to get you ready to begin to stand up your own infrastructure.

Laptops will be available for hands-on practice, as well as flash drives with Debian 12, but you are encouraged to bring your own.

πŸ“… Saturday, March 2, 2024
πŸ•” Time: 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM CST
πŸ“ 200 N La Salle St Β· Chicago, IL


✨ Chicago BitDevs is a consensus compatible fork of BitDevs NYC. We discuss bitcoin protocol developments, computer security related to cryptocurrency, and other relevant topics in the cryptocurrency ecosystem.

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