


Local time: Timezone: (UTC +03:00) EEST (Helsinki, Kyiv, Riga, Sofia)Date: Mon, Sep 16, 2019Time: 11:00 AM - 06:00 PM

Location: CyptoCash, Elizabetes iela 22, Riga


BTCPay Server Day Riga 2019

BTCPay Server Day @ Baltic HoneyBadger 2019

BTCPay Server Day @ Baltic HoneyBadger 2019 will be packed with presentations and workshops for developers, entrepreneurs or just regular Joes who would like to learn something new.

Speakers include:

  • Nicolas Dorier, Founder, BTCPay Server
  • Adam ‘nopara73’ Ficsor, Founder, Wasabi Wallet
  • Pavlenex, Product Manager, BTCPay Server
  • Ketominer, Nodl
  • Christian Moss, C0-Founder, ZEBEDEE

Available workshops:
Deploying BTCPay
BTCPay development environment
BTCPay Hardware deployment demos
BTCPay Integrations demo
Business ideas

The event will be held the day after the Baltic Honeybadger 2019 conference

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