


Local time: Timezone: (UTC+10:00) Canberra, Melbourne, SydneyDate: Sat, Jun 22, 2024Time: 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Location: Molly Malone's Irish Tavern, 64 Devonshire St, Surry Hills, Sydney, NSW


Bitcoin Sydney Special Q&A Event with Mark Moss

Bitcoin Sydney Special Q A Event with Mark Moss

Come join the Bitcoin Sydney special Q&A event with Mark Moss, a Historian, Speaker, Educator, Sound Money Advocate, and Privacy Activist.

Mark Moss is currently in Australia for an outback motorcycle tour, but is keen to meet the local Sydney Bitcoin community before flying out on Saturday afternoon. So, we’ve organised an impromptu Saturday morning meetup for a Q&A and panel discussion.

His voice can be heard as the host of one of the fastest growing finance channels on YouTube and the first nationally syndicated radio shows on the iHeart Radio network focused on Bitcoin topics.

Mark has become a strong voice for global digital privacy rights and Bitcoin adoption by mainstream consumers. His long lens of history makes complex subjects such as Politics, Finance, and Technology easy to understand and actionable while giving the context of what is happening today.

đź“… Saturday, June 22, 2024
đź•” Time: 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM AEST
đź“Ť Molly Malone’s Irish Tavern
64 Devonshire St · Surry Hills, NSW


✨The goal of the Bitcoin Sydney Meetup is to bring members content and discussion about the only Blockchain that matters – Bitcoin. Our speakers, organisers and members comprise some of the most technically proficient, informative and entertaining voices in the Australian Bitcoin scene.

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