


Local time: Timezone: (UTC+02:00) Central European Summer TimeDate: Wed, Aug 14, 2024Time: 07:00 PM - 10:00 PM

Location: c-base, Rungestraße 20, Berlin


Bitcoin Socratic Seminar Berlin – Aug’24

Bitcoin Socratic Seminar Berlin

Welcome to the Bitcoin Socratic Seminar Berlin hosted by BitDevs Berlin at c-base Raumstation Berlin! This is a monthly event. Our aim is to foster lively discussions, information sharing, and debates.

In the 4 weeks before the event, our members gather new discussion topics from various sources, including pull requests in popular git repositories such as Bitcoin Core, LND, Core Lightning, LDK, Joinmarket, Elements Alpha, and Electrum, as well as research papers, technical blog posts, IRC logs, network monitors, and more.

During the meeting, members present open source projects, companies, research, and other relevant materials. You will be able to find all the links we discuss at about 1-2 days before the event so you can come prepared for the discussions!

This event is co-hosted by:

Felix Weis

We decided to keep this event offline/in person only and not continuing to use the Jitsi anymore. To create a safe and open space for exchanging knowledge and ideas, this event will not be recorded.

Chatham House rules apply, which means that you can speak about what you heard at the event but cannot attribute it to a specific person.

There will be Pizza and Beer sponsored by

📅 Wednesday, August 14, 2024
🕔 Time: 7:00 PM – 10:00 PM CEST
📍 c-base
Rungestraße 20 · Berlin


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