


Local time: Timezone: (UTC+01:00) Central Europe Standard TimeDate: Wed, Feb 14, 2024Time: 07:00 PM - 10:00 PM

Location: c-base, Rungestraße 20, Berlin


Bitcoin Socratic Seminar Berlin – The Prehistoric Edition with Aaron van Wirdum

Bitcoin Socratic Seminar Berlin

Welcome to the Bitcoin Socratic Seminar Berlin hosted by BitDevs Berlin at c-base Raumstation Berlin! This time, we will have special guest: Aaron van Wirdum. Aaron is a Bitcoin-journalist and has been a key contributor to Bitcoin Magazine, holding various roles including editor-in-chief. He’ll give a brief presentation of his latest work “The Genesis Book”.

It will be followed by a fireside chat and open discussion about the pre-history of Bitcoin and everything that lead to its inception: From Austrian economics to cryptography, from the Cypherpunks to transhumanism, from bit gold to e-gold.

This is a monthly event. Our aim is to foster lively discussions, information sharing, and debates. Weeks before the event, our members gather discussion topics from various sources, including pull requests in popular git repositories such as Bitcoin Core, LND, Core Lightning, LDK, Joinmarket, Elements Alpha, and Electrum, as well as research papers, technical blog posts, IRC logs, network monitors, and more.

During the meeting, members present open source projects, companies, research, and other relevant materials. We conclude with a feedback and Q&A section.

This event is co-hosted by:

Felix Weis

📅 Wednesday, February 14, 2024
🕔 Time: 7:00 PM – 10:00 PM CET
📍 c-base
Rungestraße 20 · Berlin

To create a safe and open space for exchanging knowledge and ideas, this event will not be recorded. However, we will try to simultaneously stream on Jitsi for remote participants.

If you plan to participate remotely, here are a few guidelines to keep in mind:

  • Do not record the event (audio, video, or screenshots), and we will not record anything ourselves. You will be able to find all the links we discuss at within 24 hours of the event.
  • Chatham House rules apply, which means that you can speak about what you heard at the event but cannot attribute it to a specific person.
  • Keep your video off to save bandwidth for everyone. However, you are welcome to use the chat as much as you like, but please be aware that the moderator may not monitor it at all times.
  • Use the “raise hand” feature if you want to participate in the discussion.
  • If you don’t have a microphone, please address the second moderator, who is idle at the time, with your question in the chat.


✨ See other Bitcoin Lab Berlin events

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