


Local time: Timezone: (UTC -07:00) PDT (US & Canada)Date: Fri, Oct 18, 2024Time: 12:00 PM - 06:00 PM

Location: 1200 3rd Street Promenade, Santa Monica, CA


Bitcoin Peer to Pier Santa Monica 2024 (Video)

Bitcoin Peer to Pier Santa Monica 2024

Come join us for a fun and informative Bitcoin Peer to Pier event on October 18th in Santa Monica!

Join the local community to learn about the ins and outs of Bitcoin, network with fellow enthusiasts, and maybe even make some new friends. Don’t miss out on this free and open-source event, coordinated by The Proof of Workforce Foundation.


Study Bitcoin

Meet the Bitcoin student clubs from UCLA and USC, and discover Bitcoin curriculum, books and how Bitcoin can unite even the deepest of school rivals

Bitcoin is Music w/DJ Paper

Bitcoin is the best digital money in the world. But for this event, there will still be some paper in the house with DJ Paper Live on the Promenade!

Bitcoin Meetups

Bitcoin communities exist all over the world. Discover the world of Bitcoin Meetups, including some local groups right here in Southern California!

Bitcoin is Art

Discover the world of Bitcoin Art and learn about the artists in the Bitcoin community.

Find Hotels Bitcoin Peer to Pier Santa Monica