


Local time: Timezone: (UTC -05:00) CDT (US & Canada)Date: Mon, Sep 30, 2024Time: 04:30 PM - 07:30 PM

Location: Bitcoin Park, 1912 21st Ave S, Nashville, TN


Bitcoin Park Nashville Mining Monday #2

Bitcoin Park Nashville

Bitcoin Park Nashville Mining Monday is a new bitcoin mining and energy community meetup focused on actionable discussions and hands on tinkering. As always, the opportunity to meet other Bitcoin curious/focused folks in the community hosted by pod256 co-hosts Rod @bitkite and Econoalchemist.

If this is your first time at one of our meetups, we have a few simple guidelines to enhance everyone’s experience:

  • our meetups and events have a simple and singular focus: Bitcoin. All of our topics and discussions will be centered around Bitcoin, the global monetary network, and bitcoin, the reserve asset. If you are interested in crypto tokens, stocks, blockchains, altcoins, alternative investing, NFTs, etc. that is completely fine. There are a number of other meetups to join. This meetup however is just focused on Bitcoin
  • please *no photos* unless everyone agrees and there are not any other folks in the background. We respect everyone’s privacy and want everyone to feel comfortable as they participate
  • while the group discussion is going, please keep side conversations to *none.* With the acoustics of the room and the number of people we expect, any conversations will echo and be a distraction for those who are trying to listen many of whom have traveled a long way to participate
  • please pick up after yourself
  • please park in any of the free parking streets behind the Park or the side streets but please do not park behind the church in their parking lot

📅 Monday, September 30, 2024
🕔 Time: 4:30 PM – 7:30 PM CDT
📍 Bitcoin Park
1912 21st Ave S · Nashville, TN


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