


Local time: Timezone: (UTC+03:00) IstanbulDate: Fri, Feb 25, 2022Time: 10:00 AM - 07:00 PM

Location: Seen to Attendees, Istanbul


Bitcoin Lightning Network Hackday Istanbul

Welcome to the sixth Bitcoin Lightning Network Hackday (#LightningHackdayIST) !

Held in Istanbul on February 25 – 27, 2022, the Hackday is focused on exploring and discovering the Bitcoin Lightning Network!

The Hackday is inspired by the idea of Barcamps, Unconferences and Hackathons. This means: The more you put in, the more you get out! Explore, learn, share, build!

This will be a technical event, so some technical background is helpful.

Speakers & Projects include:

  • Carla Kirk-Cohen, Lightning Labs
  • Rene Pickhardt, Lightning Network Developer & Researcher
  • /rootz, RaspiBlitz / Fulmo
  • Lightrider, Fulmo
  • Bleskomat, Hardware Project
  • RaspiBlitz, Hardware Project
  • The Lightning ATM, Hardware Project

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