


Local time: Timezone: (UTC-04:00) Eastern Daylight Time (US & Canada)Date: Mon, Jun 3, 2024Time: 06:30 PM - 09:30 PM

Location: The Rabbit Hole, 1801 Commonwealth Ave, Charlotte, NC


Bitcoin Charlotte Workshop – Base 58 Bitcoin LARP Training

Bitcoin Charlotte Workshop

🌟Bitcoin Charlotte Workshop – Base 58 Bitcoin LARP Training

What is a bitcoin node? What does it do? How do transactions flow through the network and get mined?

In this 2-hour workshop, we’ll live-action role play the bitcoin network. We’ll see how transactions get made, how they get to miners, what work a bitcoin node does and how it helps secure the network.

You’ll get a front-line view of how miners create blocks and transactions get spent, how difficulty readjustments impact block production, and what re-orgs and network splits look like.

Read more about the LARP:

📅 Monday, June 3, 2024
🕔 Time: 6:30 PM – 9:30 PM EDT
📍 The Rabbit Hole
1801 Commonwealth Ave · Charlotte, NC


Bitcoin Charlotte welcomes everyone interested in Bitcoin, decentralization, privacy and freedom. Make valuable connections with people on the forefront of this world changing technology. We host monthly socials, workshops, and online book clubs.

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