


Local time: Timezone: (UTC +10:00) AEST (Brisbane)Date: Thu, Nov 14, 2024Time: 05:30 PM - 08:30 PM

Location: TBA, Cairns, QLD


Bitcoin Cairns Meetup – Nov’24

Bitcoin Cairns Meetup

Welcome to the Bitcoin Cairns Meetup! This Meetup is a special night for the ladies, so bring your wives, girlfriends, or any other awesome women in your life!


5:30 pm – Meet and greet local Bitcoiners

6:30 pm – 30-minute activity

  • This month, we’ll be playing a quick round of the awesome Bitcoin game “Hodl Up” – a fun and engaging way to learn how Bitcoin works!
  • Topics usually cover Bitcoin self-custody, privacy, security, or similar themes.
  • We strive to make activities interactive to provide maximum value to attendees.

7:00 pm – General banter & discussion

8:30 pm – Finish

We are a Bitcoin-Only group hence our RULES are:

Don’t name ANY other projects or Crypto. This Meetup is Bitcoin-Only
No Trading or Financial Advice especially to other attendees
Respect Others Privacy – just don’t be overly inquisitive that’s all
No Photos or Video


The event will be at a business with limited space, but if interest grows over the next few weeks, we might move to a larger venue. If you’d like to attend, please RSVP in advance or send the organiser a direct message with how many people you’re bringing, and they’ll message you the address a week before.

📅 Thursday, November 14, 2024
🕔 Time: 5:30 PM – 8:30 PM AEDT
📍 TBA · Cairns, QLD


✨ The Bitcoin FNQ Meetup Group welcomes everyone passionate about Bitcoin and self-custody! We offer practical, hands-on advice and demonstrations on the latest tools and solutions for safe Bitcoin storage.

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