


Local time: Timezone: (UTC +10:00) AEST (Brisbane)Date: Wed, Nov 6, 2024Time: 06:00 PM - 10:30 PM

Location: 60 Rodgers St, West End, Brisbane, QLD


Bitcoin Brisbane Meetup #46 – Nov’24

Bitcoin Brisbane Meetup

Join Bitcoin Brisbane Meetup for an evening of Bitcoin insights, talks and discussions and amazing BBQ beside the pool.

This event is Bitcoin-only. There will be an opportunity for Q&A after the talks, and we will be doing the Soap Box session where anyone can speak for 5 minutes on a topic related to Bitcoin. We have two microphones so everyone will be able to hear the speakers clearly and easily ask questions.

Throughout the night you’ll also get to enjoy a free refreshing selection of naturally flavoured sparkling mineral water and still water in glass bottles, no plastic here!

We’ll be finishing off the night with great music and BBQ by the pool.

Event Schedule:
6:00 pm – Doors Open & Casual Chatting
7:15 pm – Main Talk TBA
7:45 pm – Soapbox (open to all, 5 mins each, Bitcoin related) ⚡️
8:00 pm – Q&A: Your burning questions answered! 🔥
8:15 pm till Late – Move to the pool area for Brisket’s BBQ, Music & Chatting 🍖 🎵

Getting there & Info:
One of us will be at the front of the building to let you in and into the visitors carpark if required. Street parking is also available. If you can’t find us, just message the Bitcoin Brisbane chat on telegram so we can help. Feel free to bring along drinks, snacks/cheese/meats/ to share!

Bring some warm clothes for late night chatting after the BBQ!

📅 Wednesday, November 6, 2024
🕔 Time: 6:00 PM – 10:30 PM AEST
📍 60 Rodgers St · West End, QLD


✨ The Bitcoin Brisbane Meetup is a place to share knowledge and discuss all things Bitcoin-only between monthly meetups.

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