


Local time: Timezone: (UTC+02:00) Central European Summer TimeDate: Fri, Oct 6, 2023Time: 09:00 AM - 06:00 PM

Location: Säälchen, Holzmarktstraße 25, Berlin


Bitcoin++ Berlin 2023

BitcoinPP Berlin 2023

Bitcoin++ Berlin 2023 is  the premier developer-focused conference series dedicated to exploring the cutting-edge technology of Bitcoin.

These events are designed to provide in-depth insights through engaging long-form lectures and interactive workshops. With a focus on fostering connections within smaller, more specialized audiences, we’re excited to delve deeper into the world of Bitcoin tech.

The upcoming btc++ conference will take place in Berlin, shining a spotlight on Nix — a powerful system for ensuring reproducible builds of open-source software.

For years, passionate Bitcoin enthusiasts have tirelessly packaged Bitcoin software for deployment on Nix systems. This conference serves as a unique opportunity for the Bitcoin open-source community to collaborate with Nix’s most brilliant minds.

Together, we will explore various projects, share valuable tips and tricks, and expand our collective knowledge on achieving reproducibility while simplifying the deployment of Bitcoin and other open-source projects.

Speakers include:

  • 0xB10C, Bitcoin developer and observer
  • Julien Urraca, Elixir, Nix, magic internet money
  • Peter Neuroth, PeerSwap + Greenlight Blockstream
  • Calle, Physicist and Programmer, Cashu
  • Ben Arc, FOSS hobbyist, LNBits
  • niftynei, nix-noob, Base58
  • Chris Guida, Bitcoiner
  • Pavol Rusnak, Strengthening individual power and independence, Satoshi Labs
  • Jonas Nick, nix-bitcoin maintainer, Blockstream Research
  • Eric Sirion, cypherpunk, bitcoiner, tinkerer, Fedimint

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