


Local time: Timezone: (UTC-04:00) Eastern Daylight Time (US & Canada)Date: Thu, Aug 29, 2024Time: 07:00 PM - 10:00 PM

Location: The Globe Hub, 1954 Airport Rd, Chamblee, GA


Bitcoin Atlanta – Bitcoin Enters the Mainstream Political Arena

Bitcoin Atlanta Bitcoin Enters the Mainstream Political Arena

​Join Bitcoin Atlanta for a panel discussion featuring voices from diverse political backgrounds, providing a comprehensive view of Bitcoin’s potential and pitfalls in today’s political climate.

Bitcoin has always had vast political implications. One of the first times it hit the mainstream was when the major credit cards cut off WikiLeaks and, as a result, WikiLeaks began accepting Bitcoin. Satoshi lamented this saying that “Bitcoin was not ready”. Is Bitcoin ready now? This year Bitcoin has stepped into the political mainstream. It’s crucial to dissect its evolving landscape as Bitcoin has garnered attention from presidential candidates and faces new challenges, including overt and covert regulatory measures like Operation Chokepoint 2.0.

Join us to engage with experts and community members to learn how to navigate the complexities of Bitcoin usage and security in an increasingly scrutinized environment.

This is a community-sponsored event. Enjoy BBQ and beer provided onsite, and feel free to contribute to our potluck vibe with your BYOB or other dishes—vegetarian options are available but may be limited. Connect with fellow enthusiasts and experts, and deepen your understanding of Bitcoin’s role in our political and economic systems.

📅 Thursday, August 29, 2024
🕔 Time: 7:00 PM – 10:00 PM EDT
📍 The Globe Hub
1954 Airport Rd · Chamblee, GA


✨ At Bitcoin Atlanta we continue the discussion that started with Satoshi Nakamoto’s whitepaper on October 31, 2008. Through the lens of Satoshi’s whitepaper we not only continue to learn about bitcoin but also other emerging technologies, cryptographic currencies and blockchains that are doing the work to make Satoshi’s vision a reality.

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