


Local time: Timezone: (UTC -06:00) MDT (US & Canada)Date: Tue, Aug 13, 2024Time: 06:00 PM - 08:00 PM

Location: Social Hall, 715 S McClintock Dr, Tempe, AZ


AZ Bitcoiners Meetup – Liquid Network with Michael Welnick

AZ Bitcoiners Meetup Liquid Network

AZ Bitcoiners Meetup is back at Social Hall in Tempe in the Wood Shed for for an enlightening evening focused on the Liquid Bitcoin Network! We’ll kick off with a concise 5-10 minute presentation introducing Liquid and its key features.

Speaker: Michael Welnick

Michael Welnick is a software engineer, father of 2 boys, Bitcoiner since 2013, third generation Arizonan, and lifelong knowledge seeker. He is the owner/founder of the software consulting company MyndBytes and former owner/operator of a 2PH/s bitcoin mine. His hobbies include self hosting, working out, split screen gaming, and talking politics/philosophy with friends.

Following the presentation, you have two exciting options:

1. Dive deeper with our optional hands-on workshop. Learn how to buy and sell Bitcoin using Liquid, and use Lightning to stack sats with low fees. It’s a great opportunity to onboard beginners, so bring your nocoiner friends!

2. Skip the workshop and enjoy a relaxed social gathering. Order food and drinks while networking with fellow Bitcoin enthusiasts.

Whether you’re an expert or just curious about this Bitcoin sidechain, this event offers something for everyone. Come learn, connect, and explore the future of fast, confidential Bitcoin transactions!

When you arrive, let them know you’re with the Bitcoin Meetup network (important). Then, feel free to place your food and drink order at the bar downstairs, grab your drink and head up to the Wood Shed. They’ll bring your food up when it’s ready and also have a server for us to order additional refreshments as needed.

📅 Tuesday, August 13, 2024
🕔 Time: 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM MDT
📍 Social Hall
715 S McClintock Dr · Tempe, AZ


AZ Bitcoin Network is a group focused on all things Bitcoin. We meet regularly for casual discussions and presentations on topics like the protocol and software, economics, trading, storage techniques, investing, and mining.

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