


Local time: Timezone: (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)Date: Thu, Feb 15, 2024Time: 06:00 PM - 08:00 PM

Location: ATL BitLab, 691 John Wesley Dobbs Ave NE Suite U-126, Atlanta, GA


Atlanta BitDevs: Mastering Bitcoin – Chapters 3 & 4

Atlanta BitDevs Mastering Bitcoin – Chapters 3 4

🌟 Atlanta BitDevs Mastering Bitcoin – Chapters 3 & 4

Join our reading discussion group as we dive into “Mastering Bitcoin,” the ultimate technical guide to understanding Bitcoin. Perfect for those eager to deeply grasp the intricacies of Bitcoin, this group combines a fun and supportive environment for learning complex technical concepts.

Each week, we’ll explore a different pair of chapters, enriching your self-reading experience. We’ll provide thought-provoking questions ahead of each session to guide your reading and fuel engaging discussions. Our meetups are not just about discussing the book; they’re about building a community of Bitcoin enthusiasts and builders.

Discover, discuss, and delve into the world of Bitcoin with us. Your journey towards mastering Bitcoin starts here!

Mastering Bitcoin Third Edition

Do I have to buy the book?

“Mastering Bitcoin: Programming the Open Blockchain (3rd Edition)” is now available in paperback and ebook formats by many booksellers worldwide, and we recommend buying it if you plan to keep up with the reading. However, it’s up to you how you do the reading.

There is an older version of the book you can read for free on GitHub, but it is many years outdated compared to the 3rd Edition we’ll be discussing.

When buying, ensure that you are getting the 3rd Edition and that David Harding is listed as one of the authors.

πŸ“… Thursday, February 15, 2024
πŸ•” Time: 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM EST
πŸ“ ATL BitLab
691 John Wesley Dobbs Ave NE Suite U-126 Β· Atlanta, GA


✨ The Atlanta Bitcoin Community is a place for free and open Bitcoin education in Atlanta. Whether you are here to learn how to get bitcoin, how to use bitcoin in your daily life, how it fits into personal finance, or how it works on a technical level, there is something here for everyone. Join the community and #LearnBitcoinTogether!

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