


Local time: Timezone: (UTC -05:00) EST (US & Canada)Date: Thu, Dec 12, 2024Time: 06:00 PM - 08:00 PM

Location: Burntwood Tavern @ Bell Tower Shops, 13499 S. Cleveland Avenue ยท, Fort Myers, FL


Fort Myers Bitcoin Social Meetup – Dec’24

Fort Myers Bitcoin Social Meetup

Join us for a relaxed evening at the Fort Myers Bitcoin Social Meetup, where you can enjoy drinks and dinner while connecting with fellow Bitcoin enthusiasts. This is a great opportunity to socialize, make new friends, and discuss the latest news and events in the Bitcoin world.

What to Expect:

Engage in conversations about Bitcoin and related topics.
Get your questions answered by experienced Bitcoin users.
Receive guidance on setting up a Bitcoin or Lightning wallet.

We are gathering in the private room at Burntwood Tavern @ Bell Tower Shops in Fort Myers to socialize and talk about Bitcoin and anything else that comes up.

๐Ÿ“… Thursday, December 12, 2024
๐Ÿ•” Time: 6:00 PM โ€“ 9:00 PM EST
๐Ÿ“ Burntwood Tavern @ Bell Tower Shops
13499 S. Cleveland Avenue ยท Fort Myers, FL

โœจย Fort Myers Bitcoin Meetup is focused on bringing together Bitcoiners across Southwest Florida. We look to create a place for both experts and newcomers to come together to discuss the goings on in the Bitcoin world and help educate each other.

Everyone is welcome.

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