


Local time: Timezone: (UTC -05:00) CDT (US & Canada)Date: Wed, Oct 30, 2024Time: 07:00 PM - 10:00 PM

Location: Doc's Victory Pub, 490 Spring Rd, Elmhurst, IL


Chicago Western Suburbs Bitcoin & Beers + Halloween Party’24

Welcome to the Chicago Western Suburbs Bitcoin Meetup! It’s the eve of Halloween.. come out in your best Bitcoin/crypto costume or anything you have and come have a ghoulishly good time with us!!!

Informal monthly social. Come as you are to discuss Bitcoin, meet other like-minded individuals interested in cryptocurrency, and have a good time over food/drinks!

Always a great opportunity for engaging conversation and making new friends you wouldn’t otherwise.

The last Wednesday of every month since 2018 for over 6+ years!

Stay humble and stack sats!

Drink special: HALF PRICED BEERS!
Food: Wings, Wraps, Sliders, Burgers, Pizza, etc.. plenty of great choices for dinner!

đź“… Wednesday, October 30, 2024
🕔 Time: 7:00 PM – 10:00 PM CDT
đź“Ť Doc’s Victory Pub
490 Spring Rd · Elmhurst, IL

✨ The Chicago Western Suburbs Bitcoin Meetup is an informal monthly gathering at a pub or restaurant to meet other Bitcoin enthusiasts, discuss the unfolding of the cryptocurrency ecosystem, help newbies, network, and mastermind.

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