


Local time: Timezone: SGT (Singapore, Kuala Lumpur)Date: Fri, May 31, 2024Time: 08:00 PM - 10:00 PM

Location: MyEspresso Cafe, 63, Jalan USJ 21/11, Usj 21, 47630 Subang Jaya, Selangor


Bitcoiner Malaysia Meetup – May’24

Bitcoiner Malaysia Meetup

Join us for the Bitcoiner Malaysia Monthly Meetup with aim to foster debate, information sharing, and open discussion among attendees. Everyone is welcomed to share knowledge, opinion and engage in discussion to explore topics in depth.

Whoever is interested for some hands-on guide to non-KYC, P2P buying/selling of bitcoin, demo can be conducted.

How to manage high fee environment and leverage on Liquid network to swap bitcoin from Liquid to Lightning, demo can be conducted.

📅 Friday, May 31, 2024
🕔 Time: 8:00 PM – 10:00 PM MYT
📍 MyEspresso Cafe
63, Jalan USJ 21/11 · Subang Jaya, Se

✨ Bitcoiner Malaysia Meetup is where the spirit of discovery and discussion thrives! Our events are dedicated to fostering debate, sharing information, and encouraging open discussion among all attendees.

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